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Test strips and lancets

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The continuous glucose monitoring disposable sensor is a product in a sterile sealed pouch.

The sensor is mainly made up of:

  • an applicator,
  • a sensor base, 
  • a sensor electrode.

An adhesive pad is attached to the sensor base. Insert the sensor electrode into the subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen and remove the applicator. The sensor base is attached to the skin for up to 14 days of monitoring.

⚠️ Please dispose of the sensor, according local regulations for medical waste, after the sensor session is finished.

֏ 24,000
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Test strips are used with the Accu-Chek Active glucose meter

  • Accurate numbers: For reliable results, you can trust the Accu-Chek Active strips, as it manufactured with strict quality standards and fulfils the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013 standards of accuracy,
  • The Accu-Chek Active strips can sample all types of blood (neonatal, capillary, venous and arterial blood),
  • No coding required: Accu-Chek Active  strips do not require any kind of manual coding, making the blood glucose monitoring process easy,
  • Measuring Range: 0.6 to 33.3 mmol/L,
  • Sample Volume: 1-2 Microlitres,
  • Test time: 5 seconds,

Number of Pieces: 100.

֏ 11,000
֏ 12,500
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 Sterile, single-use safety lancets for capillary blood sampling

  • Simplicity: intuitive and easy to use.
  • For single use only
  • Depth settings: 1
  • Protrusion Depth: 1.5mm
  • Needle diameter: 28g
  • Automatic needle retraction
  • Long protective cap for easy removal
  • Wide lancet tip for precise and comfortable positioning on the test site
  • Fully enclosed needle body to prevent injury from sharp objects
  • Comfortable finger surface for pressing a button



֏ 5,000
֏ 6,000
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Safe-T-Pro Plus lancing device multiple safety features combined with customized settings make the Accu-Chek  especially advantageous. Accu-Chek Safe-T-Pro Plus single use lancing device supports patient safety and ease of use.

  • 3 adjustable depth settings allow the sampling of blood according to the skin condition of the patient
  • Each depth setting clicks into place and cannot slip out of position once selected
  • Special beveled needle cut and needle diameter for virtually pain-free blood sampling
  • Use with adults, children under 1 year and neonates
  • Save space and costs by using one type of lancet
  • Designed for single use, to avoid cross contamination
  • The Safe-T-technology ensures that the needle is always safely stored in the housing, preventing accidental needle sticks
  • Automatic needle retraction after single use eliminates risk of injury and cross contamination
  • After the single use the complete lancing device is disposed of


֏ 20,000
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Test strips are used with the Accu-Chek Active glucose meter

  • Accurate numbers: For reliable results, you can trust the Accu-Chek Active strips, as it manufactured with strict quality standards and fulfils the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013 standards of accuracy,
  • The Accu-Chek Active strips can sample all types of blood (neonatal, capillary, venous and arterial blood),
  • No coding required: Accu-Chek Active  strips do not require any kind of manual coding, making the blood glucose monitoring process easy,
  • Measuring Range: 0.6 to 33.3 mmol/L,
  • Sample Volume: 1-2 Microlitres,
  • Test time: 5 seconds,
  • Number of Pieces: 50.


֏ 6,500
֏ 7,500
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Test strips are used with the Accu-Chek Performa glucose meter

  • Accurate numbers: For reliable results, you can trust the Accu-Chek Performa strips, as it manufactured with strict quality standards and fulfils the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013 standards of accuracy,
  • The Accu-Chek Performa strips can sample all types of blood (neonatal, capillary, venous and arterial blood),
  • No coding required: Accu-Chek Performa strips do not require any kind of manual coding, making the blood glucose monitoring process easy,
  • Measuring Range: 0.6 to 33.3 mmol/L,
  • Sample Volume: 0.6 Microlitres,
  • Test time: 5 seconds,
  • Number of Pieces: 100(2x50).
֏ 13,000
֏ 15,000
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Test strips are used with the Accu-Chek Performa glucose meter

·         Accurate numbers: For reliable results, you can trust the Accu-Chek Performa strips, as it manufactured with strict quality standards and fulfils the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013 standards of accuracy,

·         The Accu-Chek Performa strips can sample all types of blood (neonatal, capillary, venous and arterial blood),

·         No coding required: Accu-Chek Performa  strips do not require any kind of manual coding, making the blood glucose monitoring process easy,

·         Measuring Range: 0.6 to 33.3 mmol/L,

·         Sample Volume: 0.6 Microlitres,

·         Test time: 5 seconds,

·         Number of Pieces: 50.

֏ 7,000
֏ 8,500
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Easy to use. Less pain.
Personalized comfort and unique technology to minimize pain.

Benefits and features
One-handed, simple operation

  • Designed for comfort
  • Precision technology minimizes skin damage
  • Personalized—11 customizable depth settings
  • Thin-gauge lancets for smoother entry


֏ 1,500
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The Accu-Chek Safe-T-Pro Uno meets safety and hygiene requirements as it helps to eliminate accidental finger sticks, thereby preventing cross-contamination between patients, as well as providing optimum infection control.

  • Simplicity: It is intuitive and easy to handle.
  • Single Use only
  • Number of depth settings: 1
  • Protrusion depth: 1.5 mm
  • Needle Diameter: 28 G
  • Special Needle Cut: 3 facets, similar to Softclix
  • Sterile: Gamma radiation
  • Automatic retraction of the needle: Yes
  • Weight: Max 4 g
  • Lancing time into air: Max. 3 thousandths of a second
  • Material: All comply with relevant ISO standards
  • Needle: Stainless steel
  • Coating of needle: Silicone Dow Corning Medical Fluid
  • Trigger button, sterility cap, casing: Polypropylene
  • Springs: Polypropylene
֏ 10,000
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Test strips are used with the Accu-Chek Instant glucose meter

Accurate numbers: For reliable results, you can trust the Accu-Chek Instant strips, as it manufactured with strict quality standards and fulfils the requirements of the ISO 15197:2013 standards of accuracy.

The Accu-Chek Instant strips can sample all types of blood (neonatal, capillary, venous and arterial blood).

No coding required: Accu-Chek Instant  strips do not require any kind of manual coding, making the blood glucose monitoring process easy.

Measuring Range: 0.6 to 33.3 mmol/L

Sample Volume: 0.6 Microlitres

Number of Pieces: 50

֏ 7,000
֏ 8,500